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Resume Builder & Parser
Build and analyze professional resumes with ease
Resume Builder & Parser

Resume Builder & Parser with Next.js, Redux Toolkit, TypeScript, TailwindCSS & ReactPDF Renderer

This project is designed to assist in creating professional resumes and understanding how Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) analyze resume content.

Core Features of this Project

Resume Builder:

  • Create and Edit Resumes: Build resumes from scratch or upload existing ones.
  • Flexible Sections: Add sections such as Experience, Education, Skills, and Projects.
  • Customization Options: Customize layout with themes, fonts, and font sizes.
  • Download in PDF: Download finalized resumes in PDF format.

Resume Parser:

  • Upload and Analyze: Upload resumes to analyze how an ATS interprets them.
  • Section Identification: View identified sections like Name, Email, Phone, Skills, etc.
  • Algorithm Insight: Understand the parsing algorithm used by the application.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js: Provides a modern React framework with server-side rendering capabilities.
  • Redux Toolkit: Ensures efficient state management for enhanced application performance.
  • TypeScript: Offers static type checking for improved code reliability and maintainability.
  • TailwindCSS: Facilitates rapid UI development using utility-first CSS classes.
  • ReactPDF Renderer: Integrates for seamless generation and viewing of PDF documents within the application.

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